WZ-E Series

WZ-E Series

Battery powered vacuum precision planter

The WZ-E series, an eco self-propelled, battery-powered seeder. The drive and the vacuum fan are electrically controlled. It is suitable for planting in greenhouses, where farmers may have problems with emissions. Maximum battery life is up to 11 hours.
Eco seminatrice pneumatica di precisione semovente wz-e



VRLA Battery 24V 50Ah


Electric Vacuum fan


Electric Drive wheels


Sowing vacuum metering unit


3 liters seed hopper


Shoe opener and seed tube


Sowing depth adjustment


Gearbox for seeding distance adjustment


Closing wheel and metering unit traction


Safety advancment lever


Eco seminatrice completa gestione elettronica


  • Switch on/switch off
  • Fan Adjustment
  • Speed adjustment
  • Battery check


  • Zero-emissions
  • Rechargable Battery
  • Electric advancement
  • Electric fan
  • Easy speed-vacuum adjustment
  • Safety relase


  • Greenhouses
  • Laboratory test
  • Seed producer
  • Small seeding plots
  • Developing countries
  • Hobby or semi-professional
  • Farmers km 0
  • Horticolture with small plots and many others


N°row Row distance [cm] Chasses [cm] Width [cm] Lenght [cm] Height [cm] Weight [kg] Electricity [V] Battery [Ah]
WZ-E10 1 50 150 95 61 24 50



Flat closing wheel

Flat closing wheel

The flat closing wheel provides a more compact soil after planting and allows a better germination and plant growth in the early weeks.

Seed clean out

Seed clean out

Normal size seeds slide and small seeds clean out vacuum system are 2 parts of seed clean out kit.
They help to clean our seed hoppers from residue seeds after working or any time users needs to change crops.
Normal size seeds slide helps to upload crops with traditional size seeds and big size seed (maize, sunflower, chickpea, soya, etc.).
About small seeds, there is a clean out vacuum system that let the users to catch up seeds on a small tank.
It works connected at the vacuum fan mounted on all our range of vacuum precision planters.

Seed discs

Seed discs

A wide range of seeding discs allows the planting of a large quantity of crops from the smallest to the largest, from the lightest to the heaviest, the most homogeneous to the most heterogeneous.

Battery charger

Battery charger

The battery charger for WZ-E series is necessary to charge the battery when the planter are not working o to charge second set of battery while the user is working.

Battery kit

Battery kit

It is a kit of batteries that let the user have always a second set of batteries ready and charged to be used when the planter has batteries discharged.