Customized planter


3 point linkage fully mounted with PTO connection
and vacuum fan


Sowing unit
1050 WZ-DS

Chassis width
1000 mm

Chassis width
1200 mm

Chassis width
1600 mm

Chassis width
1800 mm

Chassis width
2500 mm


ANTI-UV Spiral tube
Ø40 Anti-UV


R2 and R3 solutions
R2 and R3 solutions let us reduce the distance between sowing unit, currently min. 25 cm, and at the same time to let us multiply sowing lines.
By applying them we will reduce the minimum distance, currently 25 cm, and at the same time multiply the sowing rows.

Double disc opener
The double disc opener is recommended for sowing on soils with small residues and also avoids clogging compared to the traditional shoe opener.
The two discs penetrate the ground and by rotating they make the residues flow.
Despite its proximity to the ground, each disc is equipped with a shielded bearing which prevents potential clogging of dust.
The double disc is backward compatible with all our models and is easy to apply.

Seed coverer
It improves the closure of the sowing furrow allowing a better germination especially with small seeds.

Keeps the rear wheel clean especially on the wettest terrains.
By keeping the rear wheel clean it allows a better fluidity of work.

Vacuum gauge
Allows the control of the vacuum inside the metering units and in turn to regulate it, recommended for those who vary the sowing crops.

Seed clean out
Normal size seeds slide and small seeds clean out vacuum system are 2 parts of seed clean out kit.
They help to clean our seed hoppers from residue seeds after working or any time users needs to change crops.
Normal size seeds slide helps to upload crops with traditional size seeds and big size seed (maize, sunflower, chickpea, soya, etc.).
About small seeds, there is a clean out vacuum system that let the users to catch up seeds on a small tank.
It works connected at the vacuum fan mounted on all our range of vacuum precision planters.

15 L seed hopper
General advantage is tha 15 L seed hopper allows the users to work more time without stop to reload the seed hoppers.
It’s very suitable for users that sow normal size seeds (maize, soya, sunflower etc.) or big size seeds (chickpea, beans, etc.) cause also for small quantity the total volume of standard hopper could be not enough.

Row Marker
The two models, manual and rope, mark the line of passage for the next step avoiding a waste of field in work.

Flat closing wheel
The flat closing wheel provides a more compact soil after planting and allows a better germination and plant growth in the early weeks.

Seed discs
A wide range of seeding discs allows the planting of a large quantity of crops from the smallest to the largest, from the lightest to the heaviest, the most homogeneous to the most heterogeneous.